Our Vicar: Rev. V. T. Thomas
News & Information

07/01/2024 6:48:32 PM

From Vicars Desk………………

Dearly Beloved in Christ,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

Thank God for the blessings we received from God last month which helped us to lead a joyful healthy life witnessing Christ in our worship and church activities. I express my gratitude and love to all the parishioners who have cooperated in all the programs which were held in our parish in June. I request everyone’s participation in all the activities of the Parish and the Organizations of the church.

(Acts.8:26-40)God has commissioned the church and its members to be witness of Him and accomplished the task that has been interested to us. In this passage we find a man who was busy in his work, who found a personal opportunity to bear witness to God.God guided Philip to set aside his Samaritan Ministry for the time being and to go to this remote place to bring about the conversion of an African. The experience of Philip with the Ethiopian reminds us about the Great Commission that Christ has entrusted us Matthew (28:18-20). It reminds us that are called to go beyond our comfort zone to be witnesses Christ. There is no method of evangelism that will supersede personal witness. Let us introspect our lives and find out wherever we fail to accomplish our personal responsibilities. pray to God to redeem the Integrity of life.

May God Bless us all abundantly.

V. T. Thomas Achen.

Church: 45 N Service Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746
Parsonage: 147 New Highway, Commack, New York 11725
Phone Number: Home : 631-343-7343 / Cell : 631-620-9524

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